Zone 2

Success Story: $500/month Saved by Walking to Work

Mr. and Mrs. Not Made of Money had a guest post from someone who saves over $500/month just by walking to work.

This obviously has saved me quite a bit of money over the last 8 months (and that’s just basing it of old gas prices, gas has gone up about a $1/gallon since then). I didn’t downsize my car, and I’m still making payments on it, so it still costs me money, but I saved quite a bit on gas. I used to spend $400 per month on gas (that was at ~2.50/gal), however if I was using current gas prices of 3.50/gallon, my savings would be about $550 per month! I’ve been using that money to save more and pay down debt quicker, and it has been great so far.

Lesson Learned:
There are so many repetitive expenses that we deal with as consumers that we could probably find several ways to reduce that amount of money that comes out of our pay every month. I’ve been recently undergoing this experiment myself, figuring out where I can trim a little fat off my monthly expenses in order to save more money. So far I’ve come up with almost $200 worth I save per month, though one chunk of that is from groceries, and those fluxuate so much right now it’s hard to keep it stable.

I’m sure all of us have a least ONE thing we could reduce to start saving money. What’s yours?

About Crystal Groves, Google+

Crystal Groves is a farmer, web developer, musician, blogger, and personal finance enthusiast from the back hills of Maryland and Pennsylvania. She started Money Drain as a project to encourage people interested in fixing their financial situation to share their stories and learn from the stories of others. We all make mistakes, but in order to change we have to make changes.

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